The Vision of The Butterfly Kingdom

I listen to your kindness in the whispering sounds of the breeze, and hear joy in the flutter of the trees leaves. I see Love in the flight of your wings and your brilliant coloured scales present such glorious grace and solitude. We see the care you give to nature as you display such beauty and courage in the tranquil environment around us. And with great glory you help us  find our sacred sanctity.

The flutter of a golden leaf falls softly to the ground reflecting your crown. You are alive around me and I see you everywhere. You come to me in the rippled textures of the deep blue water, and bring warmth to my heart through the golden rays of the sun. You make me smile as I watch you dance in the flowered gardens. I feel your care and Love all around us. How can one feel alone? You are everywhere. I rest in your open fields and feel so whole, and taking deep breaths of the fresh crisp air, I say thank you.

A soft white milkweed seed drifts slowly through the open sky, gliding, floating, and resting gently to the green grasses below. The red cardinal makes its high-pitched call like a musical note, singing your praise with pride. The majestic pines stand stoic to the sky as they pierce your heavens. And young birch create an alley to a treasured walkway to your sacred sanctuary. I couldn’t be happier spending today alone and guided with you in silent prayer alongside your created beauty. Thank you butterflies for spending this day with me and allowing me to enter into The Butterfly Kingdom.

Michael Roy Danielson is an artist, writer, and poet who has dedicated his life in search of solitude, serenity, and tranquility in the hidden discoveries nature offers. On one of these experiences Michael discovered the secrets and beauties of The Butterfly Kingdom. With his artistic and creative mind he draws and writes this magical narrative and through this journey an intimate relationship developed. And it is with great pride and joy he shares with you this amazing story.

A Dedication to Family, Friends, & Winged Ones

I want to dedicate this book to the amazing butterflies, events, and people that lead me to this lasting journey. To my family who went with me to experience and see an exhibit that lead me to The Butterfly Kingdom. And to the many butterfly that visited me in the gardens, pastures and valleys of life, it was you who spoke to me through the flutter of your wings. You shared your kingdom and allowed me to visit your secret sanctuary.

To all of you who share with me this place of peaceful solitude, and to the great care we must provide the butterfly kingdom for their survival. My dream is for parents, families, children, couples, and all people to take a journey through “The Butterfly Kingdom” and experience the ‘Silence’ that helps us restore, replenish, and refurbish not only ourselves, but the amazing world around us. Once you complete this journey you will never be the same again.

A percentage of every book sold goes to ‘The Butterfly Kingdom” fund. Yearly checks are sent to the butterfly sanctuary to El Rosario Butterfly Sanctuary near Angangueo, Mexico. Limited Edition of this are published by the Digital Transformation Group. Made & Printed in the USA.

Copyright © 2018 by Michael Roy Danielson.

All Rights Reserved Under International and Pan-American Copywrite Conventions.

Published in The United States by the  |  #TBK 012719619611224